Amber Hight, Student Services
936-872-3041 EXT 433
Resources for Military Connected Students and Families

The Broaddus Independent School District values the families that live in our community who have ties to the military. As a district, we understand that military youth go through unique circumstances and situations and we want every military family to know we are here to help. This webpage is designed to provide you with easy access links to helpful resources, as well the opportunity for us to personally answer any and all questions you may have.
District Information

District Military Liaison
American Red Cross - Emergency aid and support for military families
Blue Star Families - Support. Connect. Empower-for military families by military families
Child and Youth Behavioral Military & Family Life Counselors
Love and Logic - Parenting-Raising responsible children
Military Child Education Coalition - Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC) Resources for military families
Military Impacted Schools Association - Serve school districts with a high concentration of military children
Military Officers Association of America - Financial assistance for students who are children of former, current or retired military
Military's Interstate Children's Compact Commission - Includes the Interstate Compact
Military One Source - Free books, DVDs, resources, handouts, etc.
National Military Family Association - Provides free camps for children in military families.
Operation Military Kids - Support for children and youth impacted by deployment
Operation We are Here - Resources for Military Families
Screening for Mental Health - Resource for mental health tools - Online tutoring and homework help.
United Through Reading - Parent records reading a book online/via video/tape recorder and it is sent to the child