Message From The Superintendent

BROADDUS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT P.O. Box 58.215 Buchanan. Brooddus, Texas 75929. Phone: 936.872.3041 Fax: 936.872.3699 September 26, 2019 Parents and Community Members: The information in the Chapter 49 FAQ ad has been incorrectly published by the San Augustine Tribune for the last two weeks. Please disregard all the information that is under the heading "Chapter 49 Proposition on November 5th Ballot FAQ" it is incorrect and misleading. We will be having a Public Meeting to help explain and clear up any misunderstandings regarding this issue and how it will affect the taxpayers of Broaddus ISD on October 17, 2019, at 6:00 pm in the High School cafeteria. Broaddus ISD will NOT publish any further information in the San Augustine Tribune regarding Chapter 49 and the purchase of attendance credits. If you have any questions regarding this, please visit our website at or call the Broaddus ISD Administration office at 936-872-3041. Sincerely, Lucas Holloway Broaddus ISD Superintendent "A TRADITION OF EXCELLENCE"


VOTE Chapter 49 Proposition on November 5th Ballot, FAQ What is Chapter 49? This provision is sometimes referred to as the "Robin Hood" plan because districts subject to Chapter 49 of the TEC are required to share their wealth with other school districts. Broaddus ISD is a Chapter 49 school because of the increase in local revenue determined by the state. What are the different options? The BISD Board of Trustees is required by state law to choose an option and has chosen option 1, "Purchase Attendance Credit". Option 1: Purchase Attendance Credit: Make payments back to the state in the amount of recapture that we owe. Option 2: Detach property: The state chooses properties from our tax roll and removes them from our district and adds them to the tax roll of another district. If Taxpayers do approve the "Purchase Attendance Credit", what will happen? If the proposition passes, the taxpayer's taxes will not be affected. The District will simply purchase attendance credit from the State funds. If the Taxpayers do not approve and detachment moves forward, will my taxes increase? The Taxpayer could likely pay a higher tax rate than they were paying at BISD. If rejected, the State will remove and detach the highest valued non-residential and commercial properties from BISD's tax roll. BROADDUS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT